Humming A Song

Humming A Song

Size: 930x1230mm

Today I Shine

Today I Shine

Size: 930x1230mm

Sitting Together

Sitting Together

Size: 940x790mm

Flora Day

Flora Day

Size: 530x530mm

Lets Dance (Sold Out)

Lets Dance (Sold Out)

Size: 185x185mm

I'm Big & Beautiful

I'm Big & Beautiful

Size: 940x940mm

Rachael Little has been creating most of her life. After her schooling, Rachael studied Fine Arts and Visual Arts at Melbourne University. She also spent ten years working as a florist, which no doubt planted the seed and inspired her to create her much loved floral pieces.

Rachael works from her home studio in Melbourne “with three kids and a bit of family time thrown in for good measure” overlooking the garden she created with her husband fifteen years ago.

FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @rachaellittleart